1300 225 630 [email protected]

Welcome To My Property Developer
Fast Track Program!


You’ve just made a fantastic decision. 

In just a few moments you will get an email from me with instructions on how to access everything your program has to offer.



Part 1: The Strategy

As soon as you join the program, you will be invited to the Advanced Property Strategies Academy.

Here, you’ll discover exactly how my clients, people from every walk of life and every financial situation imaginable, consistently find profitable deals no matter what the market is doing.

In these deep-dive videos, I will walk you step-by-step through my proven, proprietary property system ––

The exact same one I use in my own business!

Module 1: How The Rich Get Rich

  • The Fast-track Path Anyone Can Follow To Rapidly Create Wealth Through Property
  • My Proven Secret To Setting Yourself Up Quickly So You Never Have To Work Again
  • The Invisible “Money Rules” That Govern Success – And How To Use Them To Dramatically Grow Your Wealth With Every Project
  • Why Almost Every Other Course About Property Is Totally Wrong  And Potentially Detrimental To Your Success

Module 2: Hidden Deals, Easy Profits!

  • How To Get Property Owners To Call You Begging To Sell Their Properties At 20%+ Off
  • How To Get Anywhere From $25,000 To $50,000 And Even $100,000 Discount Every Time You Buy
  • Warning: Not All Discounted Properties Are Created Equal!!! Here Are The One’s You’ll Want To Avoid At All Cost!
  • Where To Find Free Blocks Of Land In This Day And Age?
  • Choosing The Best Strategy For Your First Few Projects

Module 3: Earn More Money From Every Property You Own

  • 15 Different Ways You Can Make Money Through Property Starting Today
  • How To Supercharge Your Property’s Value To Increase Sales Price Or Explode Your Rental Income
  • Important Tips And Tricks For Open Homes That Add A Whole Lot Of Perceived Value… At Very Little Expense!
  • How You Can Replace Your Day-job Income Without Even Subdividing!

Module 4: Buying Without Any Money

  • Bad Credit? No Job? No Savings? No Worries – – How To Buy Property If You Can’t Borrow Money
  • Get Funding For The Deposit Or Get Someone Else To Fund The Whole Deal – Up To You!
  • How To Find More Great Deals Than You Could Ever Have Time To Actually Do!
  • 6 Simple Questions That Will Instantly Command Respect From Any Real Estate Agent You Talk To

Module 5: The Path To Six-Figure Income

  • How To Get Into The Splitters And Subdivisions Game
  • Avoiding The Key Pitfalls 9 Out Of 10 First Time Subdividers Will Fall Into
  • Subdivision Budgeting 101 – How Much Does It Really Cost? (including real deal examples)
  • How Zoning  Really Works – And How To Use This Knowledge To Uncover The Killer Deals Everyone Else Is Missing Out On
  • Yield Maximisation – How To Get The Most Profit Out Of Every Property You Buy
  • How To Perform Due Diligence Properly – The Critical Things You Actually Need To Look Out For That Can Make Or Break Your Project

… and much, much more…all included when you join this program!

Part 2: Implementation

As you know, this program truly is one of a kind.

There’s nothing else like it.

You don’t just get all the information and  then are expected to figure it out and implement on your own. No!!!

Instead, I’m going to help you do it.

Hold your hand. And support you step-by-step. Until you successfully turn this strategy into real income.

Income that can completely change your lifestyle and life options.

At the 2-Day Zoom Boot Camp, I work with you, mentor you, coach you as you call on agents and home owners.

I’ll teach you how to find and negotiate better deals than anyone else is getting!

And I’ll make sure you understand the key ways anyone can make money in Australian property:

  • Money Maker 1: Legals – Use This To Control, Not Own Property
  • Money Maker 2: Get the Best Deal Every Time, Be A Master Negotiator
  • Money Maker 3: Feasibilities : Let the Numbers Do The Talking
  • Money Maker 4: Zonings : Xray Vision for Future Growth and 10x Value Adds
  • Money Maker 5: Agent Relationships: The Best Deals Never Hit The Market

And the tactical sessions:

  • How To Find The Best Discounted Deals
  • How To Graduate From Small Developments To Large Developments
  • Land Vs Built Form: Why Townhouses & Apartments Can Be A Road To Ruin
  • 4 Property Quadrants and When To Focus On Which
  • How To Attract Cashed Up Investors Like Me To “Buy In” And Finance You

Part 3: Ongoing Support

Of course, once you start implementing this system you surely will have questions.

Don’t worry – I’ve got your back!

  • Live Support – Monthly Conference Calls With Me And My Team. (Yes, every month! No renewal fees and no shnanigans!)
  • Monthly Updates On What’s Working Right Now In The Current Market Place
  • Access To A Community Of Like-Minded People Implementing The Same Plan Like You 
  • Downloadable templates for ALL Legal Documents & Checklists You Need 
  • And More!

Part 4: Access To Funding

OK, this is my favourite part!


Use the system I’m teaching you here. (Again, it’s what I use in my own business to find deals every day.)

Find a deal that stacks. Which, as you’ll see, it’s not very hard once you know my secret “shortcuts.” 

Found one that ticks the boxes? 

Either do it yourself… or…  Bring it to me and I’ll help you fund the deal, or even run it for you!

(Having someone like me funding your deals – this is truly the fastest and safest way to property profits, you know?!)

And if I can’t fund it – or it doesn’t tick the boxes – I can refer you to other possible funding sources. People who are hungry for profitable property deals!

Please allow 5-10 minutes for the confirmation email to arrive.

If you don’t get an email in the next 10 minutes, please contact us at [email protected] or call 1300 225 630.

And once again: welcome on board!!

Nhan Nguyen