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Podcast Episode 1: Your “How To” Guide for Newbie Investors in Australia

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Podcast Episode 2: Transforming Lives Through Home Renovating with Lindsay Fredericks

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Podcast Episode 3: Property Investing Through The Corner Block Strategy

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Podcast Episode 4: Avoid This Top 3 Developer Mistakes! (Developer Mistakes Part 1 of 3)

Whether you’re doing Renos, townhouses, or apartments; it is very important to know and understand the common mistakes other developers and investors always make so you can avoid delays, additional costs, and stress. 

In this episode, I will share with you the things I learned from my mistakes in 19 years of doing developments to get you prepared and loaded with information for your property investment journey.

Podcast Episode 5: Developer Mistakes That Are Dangerous To You (Developer Mistakes Part 2 of 3)

Part 2 of 3 of the series “The Common Mistakes Developers Make and How to Avoid It”. In this episode, I will share with you my personal experiences with the mistakes I have made or I’ve seen other people make and how you can avoid these.

I and my business partner were on track to make a million-dollar profit and the GFC came and those profits disappeared right before our eyes. With a lot of hard work and painstaking efforts, we’re still able to earn $200 grand in the middle of GFC.

Oftentimes, developers want to pump up how wealthy they are so they’ll buy expensive cars to look the part.

I started when I first bought my Mercedes. I admit I bought it on debt. And that really emphasizes to me especially on the GFC when the car value is going down, the value of the car is a lot less than what I owed the bank. I want to sell it but I wasn’t able to sell it because the debt on it was significant and I didn’t have the cash handy to pay off that debt.

When you pay cash, you get really really good deals, good discounts. The car that I traded in my old AMG Mercedes had no debt on it. I was debt-free and I wasn’t pouring money.

Podcast Episode 6: Are You Making These Budgeting Mistakes? (Developer Mistakes Part 3 of 3)

Part 3 of 3 of the series “The Common Mistakes Developers Make and How to Avoid Them”. In the world of property development, there are frustrations, there are breakdowns and there are things that get you stuck. You might start building a house or doing a subdivision and often things don’t go to plan. It’s just part of the nature of the beast. You can easily get upset when finance takes too long, buyers take too long and promises from consultants are broken due to unexpected delays or council requirements changing without notice.

In this episode, I will share more Common Mistakes that Developers Make – “Why Not Being Area Experts and Not knowing your Own Turf is Critical” and “Why Trying To Do Too Much “ Can get you in Hot Water!

Podcast Episode 7: Turning a Buy & Hold Portfolio Around

No matter what other people say, believing in yourself that you can do it is the key ingredient in achieving greater things in life. And that was what drove our guest for this episode to pave her way towards success. Today we’re joined by an inspiring Property Developer, Maggie Smith.

Maggie will share with us the real behind-the-scenes of her challenging journey from her previous failed investment strategy of buy & hold into transitioning in a different mode in her investment career. She will also give us incredible tips for both newbie and future investors on the things you should be mindful of in taking that first step towards your investment journey.

Podcast Episode 8: Managing Money Stress with Spending Planner, David Wright

In this episode, David Wright, from Spending Planners Institute and the author of “Succeed with Money Podcast” talks about Managing your Money Stress. 

Check out this Podcast – he’s got some great ideas on how to make more money, how to keep your money and more…

Podcast Episode 9: Common Renovation Mistakes

On this episode, Renovating Superstar, Bernadette Janson, from the School of Renovating and the author of “She Renovates” Podcast, discusses the common renovation mistakes people make and how to adjust to the current marketplace. 

If you get a chance and you wanna learn more about renovations, check out her Podcast – she’s got some ready good interviews including myself of course and some really great ideas on renovations and helping out people achieve success in property development and renovations.

Podcast Episode 10: Superstar Client, Craig Rigby, Earns $100k Profit in 10 Weeks!

In this Episode, one of my Superstar Clients, Craig Rigby, shares his Deal Information – from how he found this Deal, how he funded the Project, some Challenges he experienced along the way, and then how he earned $100k Profit in 10 Weeks. He also shares the Benefits and Strategies that he received from my Mentorship Program Training and Seminars.

Podcast Episode 11: Preparing Bank Loan Applications with Mortgage Broker, Ollie Hooper

Ollie Hooper from Stax Home Loans is a Mortgage Broker who is currently working with 30 different Lenders. His job is basically to work with clients – personally ask them all the hard questions upfront, to provide direction and work on the clients’ applications, then present it to the Lender in the best possible way, to get the best possible chance for finance approval.

Podcast Episode 12: The Fundamentals of Property Investing with Property Analyst, Michael Matusik

Michael Matusik is a Property Analyst from Tasmania. He is also involved in multiple businesses, he is a town planner and he has been doing housing and demographic reviews which he documents as Matusik Missive Reports.

In this Episode, Michael shares The Fundamentals of Property Investing, Questions you should Ask yourself before buying a property, How you can cope in Property with the COVID-19 Pandemic with short term and long term Ideas and Why Now is the time to buy stock.

Podcast Episode 13: Property Investing through 2 into 2 Subdivisions with a Joint Venture Partner

Viv Halliday is one of my Superstar Property Clients who has done a handful of Renovations, also Buy and Hold and a couple of Subdivisions.

In this Episode, Viv shares her Deal Information – from how she found this Deal through My Networking Seminars, how she funded the Project with Actual Numbers and some challenges along the way. Viv also shares the Process of Selling a House and Tips in Property Investing.

Podcast Episode 14: Choosing the Right Civil Contractor and Project Manager with Shane Edwards

Shane Edwards from Pembroke Constructions is both a Project Manager and a Civil Contractor.  His job is to make sure Construction and Permits happen on time and on schedule.

In this episode, Shane will explain in simple terms What is Civil Construction, The Challenges of Project Management, Tips on Choosing the  Right Civil Contractor / Project Manager and When is the Right Time to Consult a Project Manager.

Podcast Episode 15: The Role played by a Surveyor in your Land Subdivision Project

In this Episode, Howard Cutler, a surveyor from ONF Surveyors speaks with Nhan Nguyen, and shares and explains a lot of heavy information that newbies in Property Development can easily comprehend and relate to.

Topics discussed on this Podcast Episode include: